
  • Erdas lmagine 2016 software 
  • ArcGIS software 10.8 (GIS)

    Spatial Analyst, 3-D Analyst, Geostatistical Analyst, Network Analyst etc.

  •  ASD Field Spectroradiometer 
  • Satellite Data Archive of:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Satellite data from the following Platforms/ Sensors (Soft copy): IRS 1A/B/C/D: LISS III/IV, Cartosat covering parts of Kozhikode and Malabar region.
           Landsat MSS/ TM/ ETM+, Sentinel for Kerala state.
            Aerial Photos (Soft copy): Panchromatic B&W; Color IR 
  • A0 Plotter & Scanner

Local Area Network & Internet Administration

  • 110 Mbps Leased line firewall protected Internet connectivity
  • 20 Mbps Leased line firewall protected KSWAN connectivity
  • Wi-Fi enabled campus
  • Centralized Antivirus System Quick Heal Seqrite 7.6
  • Fujitsu, Lenovo & IBM X Series Server
  • Windows 2012, 2008 Server 
  • Microsoft SQL 2008 Server database
  • CWRDM Biometric Attendance System
  • CWRDM Official website
  • CWRDM official Mail System
  • CWRDM Identity Card Registration System

Library and Seminar Hall

  • Essential Textbooks and Manuals of RS & GIS
  • Air-conditioned Seminar Hall with modern facilities (30 seats) with LCD Projector, Motorized wall mounted projector screen (10"×8") & audio System