Urban Flood Studies for Kochi and Kozhikode cities in Kerala
Comprehensive Flood Mitigation & Hydrological Study for Technopark
Urban Flood Management plan for selected areas in Kozhikode Corporation
Framework for Environmental Flow Computation for Rivers in Kerala
Urban Flood studies for Kochi and kozhikode cities in Kerala
Kerala Flood 2018: Causes, impact and solution in selected river basins
Stormwater Management Plan for Chalakudy Municipality
Post-facto evaluation study of irrigation projects implemented in Kerala state (IDRB, Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Kerala,
Quantification of Uncertainties in the SWAT model for better prediction of the stream flow discharge in selected river basins in Kerala
Integrated Management of Surface Water and Groundwater in the Changing Climatic Scenario to Mitigate Water Scarcity in Valapattanam River Basin
Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed project of Interlinking of Bharathapuzha and Biyyam Kayal (Water Resource Department, Government of Kerala,
Investigations on the Hydrological Impact of the Extension of Kochi Metro
Mitigation Measures for Abating Floods in Upper Kuttanad
Assessment of Water Stress of Bharathapuzha riverbasin
Study on hydrological characteristics of all river basins of Kerala
EIA study of proposed project of interlinking of Bharathappuzha and Biyyam Kayal
Feasibility study of proposed project of interlinking of Bharathappuzha and Biyyam Kayal
Baseline studies of estimation of Water Use Efficiency of 5 Irrigation Projects in Kerala
Regional Flood Frequency studies for rivers in Kerala
Application of an Integrated Surface Water – Ground Water Model in the Valapatanam River Basin.
Feasibility report of waterbody development at Paropadi, Kozhikode
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Drissia T.K., Denji Dinesan (2019) Impact of Kanjirapuzha dam on streamflow in Bharathapuzha using SWAT, proceedings of International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, HYDRO-2019, Volume I, Indian Society of Hydraulics, Pu |
Drissia T.K., Jothiprakash V, A B Anitha (2018) Regionalisation of Watersheds using Fuzzy C means clustering Algorithms in West Flowing Rivers of Kerala, International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, HYDRO-2018, Indian S |
Drissia T K., V Jothiprakash and A B Anitha (2017) Flood frequency Analysis and curves of equal predicted peak discharge, proceedings of 37th International Association of Hydro-Environmental Research (IAHR) World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 1 |
Drissia T K, V. Jothiprakash and Anitha, Trend in daily and annual maximum discharge time series in Kerala, 32nd Indian Engineering Congress, IE(I) India, 21-23, Dec. 2017, Chennai |
Drissia T K, Jothiprakash V, Anitha A B(2016), Flood Frequency Analysis Using L Moments for Selected River Basins in Kerala, proceedings 21st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO-2016), December 08-10, CWP |
Drissia T K, Anitha A B (2015) Effect of landuse change on discharge using Mapshed model in sub basins of Bharathapuzha river basin, Proceedings of International conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering(HYDRO-2015), 17-20 December 2 |
Priya Philip, Nimiya Baby, Aswathy V K and Drissia T K (2014), Morphometric analysis of Kallada and Pallikkal river basins of Kerala using GIS, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM-2014), February 19–21 |
Anitha A B, Devipriya V N, Drissia T K and KarthikaGopal(2014) ‘Modelling of Soil Erosion using Geographical Information System for Sustainable Land Management’, Proceedings of National Conference on Changing Climatic Scenario and Sustainable Resources Ma |
Remya T R , Drissia T K, Anitha A B(2013),'Spatial and Temporal variation of rainfall in Northern Kerala', Proc. International Conference on Integrated Water Waste Water & Isotope Hydrology Vol I, Bangalore University, 25-27 July 2013. |
Joseph, E J, U Surendran, T K Drissia, A B Anitha and C M Sushanth (2016). Climate Change and its Impacts on Water Resources in Kerala, In. Focal theme of 28th Kerala Science Congress,88-127 |
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