Ph.D (2012): Plant Physiology from High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Centre, HNB Garhwal Central University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
Thesis: Morpho-physiological responses of selected growth forms of alpine vegetation exposed to CO2 enrichment
Reviewer of following journals
Exploring climate change perceptions and adaptation options in the marginalized Paniya tribal hamlet of Wayanad, Kerala for water and agricultural resilience
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Chaturvedi Ashish K, Vashistha R K, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2007) Need of innovative approach for climate change studies in alpine region of India. Current Science 93(12):1648-1649. |
Chaturvedi Ashish K , Vashistha R K, Rawat N, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2009) Effect of CO 2 enrichment on photosynthetic behavior of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle, an endangered medicinal herb. Journal of American Science 5(5):113-118. |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2010) Lesser chamber effect inside open top chambers provides near-natural microenvironment for CO2 enrichment studies in an alpine region of India. Journal of American Science 6(3):109-117. |
Vashistha R K, Rawat N, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Nautiyal B P, Prasad P, Nautiyal MC (2011) Characteristics of life-form and growth-form of plant species in an alpine ecosystem of north-west Himalaya. Journal of Forestry Research 22(4): 501-506. |
Vashistha R K, Rawat N, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Nautiyal B P, Nautiyal MC (2012) Phytostructure of diverse growth forms in an alpine ecosystem of north-west Himalaya, India. Plant Biosystems 146(1): 124-133. |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2013) Impact of elevated CO2 on growth, morphology and dry matter partitioning in alpine growth forms of north western Himalaya. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 18(2): 118-124. |
Pal M, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Shah D, Bahuguna R N, Sadhana, Singh S, Mukhopadhyay D, Khetarpal S, Anand A, Deshmukh P S, Bhardwaj C, Kumar J (2013) Growth dynamics and temperature sensitivity of late planting chickpea under Delhi conditions. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology18 (1): 79-82. |
Rai P, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Shah D, Viswanathan C, Pal M (2016) Impact of elevated CO2 on high temperature induced effects in grain yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86(3): 414-7. |
Bahuguna R N, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Pal M (2016) Physiological traits for improving high temperature stress tolerance in rice. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 21(4):420- 427. |
Singh D, Singh C K, Taunk J, Tomar R S S, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Gaikwad K, Pal M (2017) Transcriptome analysis of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) in response to seedling drought stress. BMC Genomics 18:206 doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3596-7 |
Chaturvedi, Ashish K. (2017) The quest for rice productivity under diurnally changing temperature amplitude in future CO2 enriched climate. Journal of Rice Research, 5, e129. DOI: 10.4172/2375-4338.1000e129 |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Bahuguna R N, Shah D, Pal M, Jagadish K S V (2017) Heat stress at flowering and grain filling offsets effect of elevated CO2 on assimilate partitioning and sink strength in rice. Scientific Reports 7:8227 doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07464 |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Bahuguna R N, Pal M, Shah D, Maurya S, Jagadish K S V (2017) Elevated CO2 and heat stress interactions affect grain yield, quality and mineral nutrient composition in rice under field conditions. Field Crops Research 206:149-157. |
Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Madhava Chandran K., Surendran, U. (2018) Revisiting climate change adaptation through proactive policy designing and institutional mechanism. Tropical Plant Research, 5(1), 14-18. DOI: 10.22271/tpr.2018.v5.i1.003 |
Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Surendran, U., Gopinath, G., Madhava Chandran, K., Anjali, N. K., Mohamed Fasil, C. T. (2019) Elucidation of stage specific physiological sensitivity of okra to drought stress through leaf gas exchange, spectral indices, growth and |
Kumar, A., Kumar, A., MMS C. P., Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Shabnam A. A., Subrahmanyam, G., Mondal, R., Gupta, D. K., Malyan, S. K., Kumar, S. K., Khan, S. A.,Yadav, K. K. (2020). Lead Toxicity: Health Hazards, Influence on Food Chain, and Sustainable Remed. |
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Elzopy, K. A., Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Chandran, K. M., Gopinath, G., Naveena K. & Surendran, U. (2020). Trend analysis of long-term rainfall and temperature data for Ethiopia. South African Geographical Journal, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2020.1835699 |
Mondal, R., Kumar, A., Shabnam, A.A. and Chaturvedi, Ashish K. (2022) Elucidation of molecular and physiological mechanisms addressing integrated omic approaches for heavy metal stress tolerance in crops. Crop and Pasture Science, 73: 927-942 |
More, S.J., Bardhan, K., Ravi, V., Pasala, R, Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Lal, M. K., Siddique, K.H.M. (2023) Morphophysiological Responses and Tolerance Mechanisms in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Under Drought Stress. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-023-01127-4 (IF: 3.60) |
Chaturvedi, Ashish K , Surendran U, Munavir Ali, KP, Anjali N, Gopinath Girish, Naveena K, Madhava Chandran K (2021) Drought induced effect and ameliorative response of salicylic acid on bush pepper under anticipated future climate change. In Proc. of Int |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2007) Strategy for global climate change studies in respect to alpine plants of India. In: International Tropical Ecology Congress: Climate Change: Impact, Assessment and Management, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Indi |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Rawat N, Vashistha R K, Prasad P, Nautiyal B P, Nautiyal M.C. (2008) Potential consequences of climate change on the alpine vegetation of the Himalaya. In: Souvenir of 3rd Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, IIT, Roorke |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2009) Open Top Chambers for exposing alpine plants to elevated CO2: Innovation in Indian Alpine. In: Souvenir of 4th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India, pp.102 |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Joshi S, Upreti D K (2010) Use of simulation experiments for studying climate change through lichens. In: Proceedings of National Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India, pp. 53 |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2012) Rising atmospheric CO2 and alpine plant species of North-West Himalaya: morphological and physiological analysis. In: proceeding of National Seminar on Physiological and Molecular Approaches for Developme |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Pal M, Kumar M, Shah D, Bahuguna R N, Sadhana, Singh S, Khetarpal S, Bhardwaj C, Kumar J, Deshmukh P S (2012) Biomass accumulation and seed yield of late planting chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) governed by low temperature at Delhi cond |
Jain V, Khetarpal S, Singh M P, Shah D, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Sadhana, Singh S, Chattophadaya D (2013) Photosynthesis and nutrient composition of spinach and fenugreek grown under elevated carbon dioxide concentration. In: Proceedings of Fifth Internationa |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Sadhana, Singh S, Mukhophadhyay D, Khetarpal S, Pal M (2013) Requirement of new insight in crop quality and quantity under multidimensional climate change. In: Souvenir of National Seminar on “Trends in Plant Sciences” DAV College, Mu |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Sadhana, Mukhophadhyay D, Singh S, Khetarpal S, Pal M (2013) Phenological dynamism of chickpea genotypes under changing climate. In: Souvenir of National Seminar on “Trends in Plant Sciences” DAV College, Muzaffarnagar, UP, India, pp. |
Chandrakala J U, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Pal M (2013) Acclimation response of signaling molecules for high temperature stress tolerance in rice genotypes. In: Proceedings of National Conference of Plant Physiology on “Current Trends in Plant Biology Research |
Shah D, Bahuguna R N, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Pal M (2014) Acclimation response of Ca 2+ signaling in chickpea genotypes under high temperature stress. In: Proceedings of National Conference of Plant Physiology on “Frontiers of Plant Physiology Research: Foo |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Pal M (2014) Alleviation of high temperature stress effects in rice through Ca 2+ signaling and growth regulators pre-treatments. In: Proceedings of National Conference of Plant Physiology on “Frontiers of Plant Physiology Research: F |
Chandrakala J U, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Pal M (2014) Physiological approaches for mitigating high temperature stress effects in rice. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Plant Signaling and Behavior, PSB- 2014 Delhi University, Delhi, India, pp.6 |
Pal M, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Shah D (2015) Elevated CO2 ameliorates drought and high temperature stress effects in rice. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Plant Physiology Congress “Challenges and Strategies in Plant Biology Research” December 11-14, 20 |
Maurya S, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Meena S, Pal M, Chopra AK (2015) Photosynthesis and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) under interactive effect of elevated CO2 , drought and high temperature. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Plant Physiology Congress |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Rawat N, Vashistha R K, Prasad P, Nautiyal B P, Nautiyal M.C. (2008) Potential consequences of climate change on the alpine vegetation of the Himalaya. In: Souvenir of 3rd Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, IIT, Roorke |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Prasad P, Nautiyal M C (2009) Open Top Chambers for exposing alpine plants to elevated CO2:Innovation in Indian Alpine. In: Souvenir of 4th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India, pp.102 |
Chaturvedi Ashish K, Joshi S, Upreti D K (2010) Use of simulation experiments for studying climate change through lichens. In:Proceedings of National Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India, pp. 53 |
Nautiyal M C, Chaturvedi Ashish K (2011) Effect of elevated CO2 on diverse plant species of Alpine broad leaved growth forms. In : Proceedings of Managing Alpine future II, International Conference, Congress Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria, |
Naveena K, Surendran U, Madhava Chandran K, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Venu Prasad H D (2020) Predictive modeling for forecasting of southwest monsoon in Kozhikode district of Kerala In : Book of Abstracts of "III Indian National Groundwater Conference (IN |
Sruthi P, Surendran U, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Madhava Chandran K. (2020) Assessing the influence of nutrient management and method of irrigation on two different rice cultivars In : Book of Abstracts of “III Indian National Groundwater Conference (INGWC-202 |
Nautiyal B P, Nautiyal M C, Vashistha R, Rawat N, Chaturvedi A K, Prasad P (2009) Vegetation response and vulnerability assessment of alpine ecosystem under simulated conditions of elevated CO2 concentration in North West Himalaya. In: Advances in Environment
Madhava Chandran K, Surendran U, Chaturvedi Ashish K (2019) Research Findings of Water Management (Agriculture) Division, CWRDM, 42 pages
Mina U., Kumar A., Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Kumar P. (2021) Climate Change and Plant Diversity: Threats and Opportunities. In: Choudhary D.K., Mishra A., Varma A. (eds) Climate Change and the Microbiome. Soil Biology, Vol 63. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76863-8_20
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