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Jayakumar, M., Rajavel., M and Surendran U. 2016. Climate based statistical regression models for crop yield forecasting of coffee in humid tropical Kerala, India. International Journal of Biometeorology, 60: 1943-1952. |
Surendran, U., Ramasubramoniam, S., Raja, P., Kumar, V., Murugappan, V., 2016. Budgeting of major nutrients and the mitigation options for nutrient mining in Semi Arid Tropical Agro ecosystem of Tamil Nadu, India using NUTMON model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188 (4), 1-17 |
Surendran,U., V. Ramesh, M. Jayakumar, S. Marimuthu, G. Sridevi. 2016 Improved sugarcane productivity with tillage and trash management practices in semi arid tropical agro ecosystem in India. Soil & Tillage Research 158 (2016) 10–21 |
Surendran, U., Sandeep, O and Joseph E.J. 2016.The impacts of magnetic treatment of irrigation water on plant, water and soil characteristics. Agricultural Water Management178, 21-29. |
Surendran, U., M.Jayakumar and S.Marimuthu. 2016. Low-cost drip irrigation: Impact on sugarcane yield, water and energy saving in semiarid tropical agro ecosystem in India. Science of the Total Environment, 570: 1430-1440 |
M.Jayakumar andSurendran, U., 2017.Intercropping and balanced nutrient management for sustainable cotton production. Journal of Plant nutrition. Journal of Plant nutrition.doi.org/10.1080/01904167.2016.1245327 |
Jayakumar, J., Janapriya, J., Surendran, U. 2017. Effect of drip fertigation and polythene mulching on growth and productivity of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), water, nutrient use efficiency and economic benefits. Agricultural Water Management182, 87-93. |
Surendran, U., C.M. Sushanth, George Mammen, and E.J. Joseph. 2017. FAO-CROPWAT model-based estimation of crop water need and appraisal of water resources for sustainable water resource management: Pilot study for Kollam district – humid tropical region of Kerala, India. Current Science,112: 76-86. |
Surendran, U., Chanchitha Chandran and E.J. Joseph. 2017.Hydroponic cultivation of Menthaspicata and comparison of biochemical and antioxidant activities with soil-grown plants. ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum39: 26. DOI 10.1007/s11738-016-2320 |
Surendran, U., Kumar, V., Ramasubramoniam, S. and Raja, P. 2017. Development of Drought Indices for Semi-Arid Region Using Drought Indices Calculator (DrinC) – A Case Study from Madurai District, a Semi-Arid Region in India. Water Resources Management. DOI 10.1007/s11269-017-1687-5 |
Jayakumar, M., Rajavel, M., Surendran, U., Gopinath, G., Ramamoorthy, K. Impact of climate variability on coffee yield in India—with a micro-level case study using long-term coffee yield data of humid tropical Kerala. Climatic change DOI : /10.1007/s10584-017-2101-2 |
Raja, P., Bhaskar, B.P., Surendran, U., Malpe, D.B., Nagaraju, M.S.S. 2018. Pedogenesis of spatially associated red and black soils in Purna valley from semi-arid region of Central India, February 2018 Chemical Geology 483. DOI : 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.02.018 |
Vijayan, A.K., Surendran, U., Bujair, V.& Joseph, E.J. 2018. Influence of Increased Temperature Along with Nutrient Management Treatments on CO2 Emission and Crop Productivity of Cowpea in Polyhouse Conditions Vs Natural Open Conditions Under Changing Climate Scenario. International Journal of Plant Production https://doi.org/10.1007/s42106-018-0011-5. © Springer International Publishing AG |
Surendran, U., Vijayan, A.K., Bujair, V.& Joseph, E.J. (2018). Influence of open and polyhouse conditions on soil carbon dioxide emission from Amaranthus plots with different nutrient management practices under changing climate scenario. Current Science, 114 (6), 1311-1317 |
U. Surendran, C. M. Sushanth, E. J. Joseph, Nadhir Al-Ansari and Zaher Mundher Yaseen. 2019. FAO CROPWAT Model-Based Irrigation Requirements for Coconut to Improve Crop and Water Productivity in Kerala, India. Sustainability 1(18), 5132; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11185132 |
Surendran, U., B. Anagha, P. Raja, V. Kumar, K. Rajan and M. Jayakumar. (2019) Analysis of Drought from Humid, Semi-Arid and Arid Regions of India Using DrinC Model with Different Drought Indices. Water Resources Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-019-2188-5 |
Ashish K. Chaturvedi, U Surendran, Girish Gopinath, K Madhava Chandran, Anjali NK, Mohamed Fasil CT. (2019). Elucidation of stage specific physiological sensitivity of okra to droughtstress through leaf gas exchange, spectral indices, growth and yieldparameters, Agricultural Water Management, 22: 92-104 |
Girish Gopinath, N. Sashidharan and U Surendran, (2020). Landuse classification of hyperspectral data by spectral angle mapper and support vector machine in humid tropical region of India. Earth Science Informatics. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s 12145-019-00438-4 |
Nagaraj Gokavi, M. Jayakumar, Kishor Mote1 & U. Surendran (2020) Diatomaceous Earth as a Source of Silicon and its Impact on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties, Yield and Quality, Pests and Disease Incidence of Arabica Coffee cv. Chandragiri. Silicon https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-020-00767-w |
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Naveena K.,Surendran U., & Kommireddi, C. V. N. K. (2023). Comparative assessment of univariate and multivariate imputation models for varying lengths of missing rainfall data in a humid tropical region: a case study of Kozhikode, Kerala, India. Acta Geophysica, 1-16. |
Elzopy, K. A., Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Chandran, K. M., Gopinath, G., Naveena K. & Surendran, U. (2020). Trend analysis of long-term rainfall and temperature data for Ethiopia. South African Geographical Journal, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2020.1835699 |
Chaturvedi, Ashish K., Surendran, U., Gopinath, G., Madhava Chandran, K., Anjali, N. K., Mohamed Fasil, C. T. (2019) Elucidation of stage specific physiological sensitivity of okra to drought stress through leaf gas exchange, spectral indices, growth and |
Anagha Baburaj, Joseph E J , K A Elzopy and U.Surendran (2018) Evaluating Drought indices for humid, Semi arid and arid regions using Conventional and DrinC model. In Proc.of 30th Kerala Science Congress, 332p |
Elzopy Karam A, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Madhava Chandran K, Surendran U. (2018) Trend analysis of long-term rainfall and temperature data for Ethiopia. In: International conference on water resource: Innovation in quality and quantity, sustainable developmen |
Elzopy Karam A., Chaturvedi Ashish K., Madhava Chandran K. and Surendran U. (2018) Response of soil water deficit and irrigation interval on growth, physiology and yield of cowpea In: Compendium of Abstracts of International Conference on Emerging Synergi |
U. Surendran K. Madhava Chandran and E J Joseph (2018) Modeling Based Nutrient Recommendation With NUTMON in Different Crops Including Rice For Sustenance of Soil Fertility Humid Tropical Kerala. In: Proc of Extended Summaries of Frontiers of Rice Reserac |
Ajmal T M, Mithun Venugopal, Reshma K, U Surendran (2017) Evaluation of irrigation and nutrient management practices for water melon under lateritic soils of Kerala. In. Abstract Proc. Natural Resources Management for Horticultural Crops Under Changing Cl |
Bujair. V, Aswathy K.Vijayan, U. Surendran, E.J. Joseph (2016). Influence of increased temperature on growth an yield of amaranthus and CO2 evolution from soil under open and polyhouse conditions. In. Proc. of 28th Kerala Science Congress, 142-150 |
Sandeep. O, Tiny Thomas, U. Surendran, E. J. Joseph (2016). Nutrient balance study of two farms with Nutmon model in humid tropical Kerala. In. Proc. of 28th Kerala Science Congress, 151-157 |
Simi John, U. Surendran, K. Shaheer Ihsan, E.J.Joseph (2016). Influence of drip fertigation on growth and yield of bush pepper in laterite soil of humid tropical Kerala. In. Proc. of 28th Kerala Science Congress, 158-164 |
Surendran U., Chanchitha Chandran and Joseph, E.J. (2016).Bacopa monnieri cultivation using soilless culture with hydroponic system under different media and assessment of its productivity and other properties. In. Proc. Sustainable Water, Waste Water and |
Surendran,U. Madhava Chandran, K., Joseph, E. J., Vidya C. and Muhammad Koya A. (2016). Effect of drip fertigation on growth and productivity of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) nd soil fertility in humid tropical Kerala. In. Abstracts Proc. 3 International Sy |
Lintu Maria C, Surendran U, and Joseph E J (2015). Modeling based nutrient recommendation using NUTMON – toolbox for sustenance of soil fertility in humid tropical Kerala. In: Proc. of 27th Kerala Science Congress. Alappuzha. |
Madhava Chandran, K., Surendran, U., Sushanth, C.M., Mohammed Koya, A.P., Deepa, V.J. and Bina Jose (2015). Relevance of propagating water and fertilizer saving drip fertigation technique (paper in malayalam). Proceedings, Fourth International Congress on |
Surendran U, Shijil C, Bujair V and Joseph E J (2015). Carbon Sequestration of Different Organic Amendments in Humid Tropical Soils of Kerala In: Proc. of National Seminar on Soil Resilience – 2015. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. |
Surendran U, Lintu Maria C, Sundararajan V and Joseph E J (2014). Modeling based fertilizer prescription using NUTMON –Toolbox and DSSIFER for soils of Humid Tropical Kerala, India. In: Proc. of International Symposium on New Dimensions in Agro meteorolog |
Surendran U, Lintu Maria C, Sundararajan V and Joseph E J (2014). Soil properties changes as influenced by erosion in humid tropical Kerala, India. In Proc. of International Conference on Environmental Earth Sciences : Accomplishments, Plans and Challenge |
Lintu Maria C, Surendran U, and Joseph E J (2013). Influence of different levels of nutrients on soil erosion, nutrient loss and yield of tapioca in humid tropical Kerala” In : Proc of 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress held at Kottayam. |
Surendran U and Joseph E J (2013). Estimation of effective rainfall by different methods for coconut in humid tropical Kerala. In Proc. of International Conference on Impact of Climate Change on Food, Energy and Environment, 137-140, Elsevier Publishers, |
Surendran U, Lintu Maria C and Joseph E J (2013). Rainfall–runoff- soil and nutrient loss relationships for Cassava and Cassava pineapple strip cropping in humid tropical Kerala, India. In Proc. of International Conference on Tropical Roots and Tubers for |
Sandeep O, Surendran U, Geroge Mammen and Joseph E J (2012). ‘Impact of magnetic treatment of irrigation water on cowpea cv. Kanakamani’. Proceedings 24th Kerala Science Congress, January 2012, RRRI, Kottayam, Kerala: 40-42. |
Surendran U, Sandeep O and Joseph E J (2012). Nutrient budgeting in brinjal for soils of humid tropics in Kerala, In Proc. of International Conference on sustainable Agriculture for Food and Livelihood security, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana du |
Chaturvedi, Ashish K , Surendran U, Munavir Ali, KP, Anjali N, Gopinath Girish, Naveena K, Madhava Chandran K (2021) Drought induced effect and ameliorative response of salicylic acid on bush pepper under anticipated future climate change. In Proc. of Int |
Naveena K, Surendran U, Madhava Chandran K, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Venu Prasad H D (2020) Predictive modeling for forecasting of southwest monsoon in Kozhikode district of Kerala In : Book of Abstracts of "III Indian National Groundwater Conference (IN |
Sruthi P, Surendran U, Chaturvedi Ashish K, Madhava Chandran K. (2020) Assessing the influence of nutrient management and method of irrigation on two different rice cultivars In : Book of Abstracts of “III Indian National Groundwater Conference (INGWC-202 |
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