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Magesh, N.S., Botsa, S.M., Dessai, S., Mestry, M., Leitao, T.D.L., Tiwari, A., 2020. Hydrogeochemistry of the deglaciated lacustrine systems in Antarctica: Potential impact of marine aerosols and rock-water interactions. Science of the Total Environment 706, 135822 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Elango, L., 2018. Groundwater environment of a tropical east flowing river of Western Ghats, Southern India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 92, 634-644 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Krishakumar, S., Simon Peter, T., 2017. Trace element contamination in the nearshore sediments of the Tamiraparani estuary, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116, 508-516 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Krishnakumar, S., 2017. Geospatial analysis of dissolved nutrients dataset in the surface water of Karayar Reservoir, Southern India. Data in Brief, 13, 575-581 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Elango, L., 2017. Trace element concentrations in the groundwater of the Tamiraparani river basin, South India: Insights from human health risk and multivariate statistical techniques. Chemosphere, 185, 468-479. |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2017. Driving forces behind land transformations in the Tamiraparani sub-basin, South India. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 8, 12-19. |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Elango, L., 2016. Occurrence and distribution of fluoride in the groundwater of the Tamiraparani river basin, South India: a geostatistical modelling approach. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 1483
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Krishakumar, S., 2016. A Fuzzy–GIS Model for the exploration of groundwater potential zones in Tamiraparani sub-basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Frontiers of Current Trends in Engineering and Technology, 1(2), 52-58 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2016. Assessment of soil erosion and sediment yield in the Tamiraparani sub-basin, South India, using an automated RUSLE-SY model. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 1208 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Kaliraj, S., 2015. Mapping of heavy mineral placers through Marine GIS expert system: a case study in Kalaignanapuram coastal stretch, South east coast of Tamil Nadu, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8, 195-206 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandralekha, L.I., Chandrasekar, N., Kaliraj, S., 2014. Influence of tidal cycle on heavy minerals variation in the Kottilpadu beach, Kanyakumari coast, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 1(1), 15-21. |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Kaliraj, S., 2014. A GIS based automated extraction tool for the analysis of basin morphometry, presented in the national seminar on Geospatial technology developments in natural resource and disaster management at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 23 and 24 February, 2012 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Kaliraj, S., 2014. Mapping the coastal geomorphological landforms through Aster DEM and Landsat data – a case study between Tuticorin-Vembar coastal stretch, southeast coast of India. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 1(1), 1-5. |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2014. GIS model based morphometric evaluation of Tamiraparani sub-basin, Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu, India. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 7, 131-141 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Krishnakumar, S., Glory, M., 2013. Trace element contamination in the estuarine sediments along Tuticorin coast – Gulf of Mannar, southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 73, 355-361 |
Magesh, N.S., Jitheshlal, K.V., Chandrasekar, N., Jini, K.V., 2013. Geographical information system-based morphometric analysis of Bharathapuzha river basin, Kerala, India. Applied Water Science, 3, 467-477 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2013. Evaluation of spatial variations in groundwater quality by WQI and GIS technique: a case study of Virudunagar district, Tamil Nadu, India. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 6, 1883-1898. |
Magesh, N.S., Krishnakumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Soundranayagam, J.P., 2013. Groundwater quality assessment using WQI and GIS techniques, Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 6, 4179-4189. |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Kaliraj, S., 2012. A GIS Based Automated Extraction Tool for the Analysis of Basin Morphometry. Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, 2, 32-35 |
Magesh, N.S., Jitheshlal, K.V., Chandrasekar, N., Jini, K.V., 2012. GIS based Morphometric Evaluation of Chimmini and Mupily Watersheds, Parts of Western Ghats, Thrissur District, Kerala, India. Earth Science Informatics, 5, 111-121 |
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Krishnakumar, S., Peter T.S., Godson, P.S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2023. Heavy metal accumulation in the skeletons of Scleractinian corals around Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, India. Total Environment Research Themes, 6, 100034 |
Gopal, V., Krishnamoorthy, R.R., Kalaivanan, R., Magesh, N.S., 2023. Geochemical compositions and provenance of Late Holocene core sediments from Mullipallam Creek, southeast coast of India. Total Environment Research Themes, 6, 100046. |
Kanagaraj, G., Mohana, P., Muthusamy, S., Moorthy, G.M., Amaldas, P., Magesh N.S., 2023. Geochemical evaluation of groundwater around Chromepet tannery belt, Southern India. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 22, 100936 |
Binish, M.B., Magesh, N.S., Sruthy, S., Kannan, V.M., Mohan, M., 2023. Occurrence and risk assessment of total mercury, methylmercury and other selected trace metals in the surface sediments of the Cochin Estuary, Southwest Coast of India. Regional Studies in Marine Sciences. 62, 102924 |
Gopal, V., Krishnamurthy, R.R., Vignesh, R., Sabarinathan, C., Anshu, R., Kalaivanan, R., Mohana, P., Magesh, N.S., Manikandabharath, K., Bessa, A.Z.E., Abdelrahman, K., Abioui, M., 2023. Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the surface sediments of the Vedaranyam coast, Southern India. Regional Studies in Marine Sciences 65, 103081 |
Selvakumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Srinivas, Y., Selvam, S., Kaliraj, S., Magesh, N.S., Venkatramanan, S., 2022. Hydrogeochemical processes controlling the groundwater salinity in the coastal aquifers of Southern Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin 174, 113264 |
Arya, D.B., Godson, P.S., Vincent, S.G.T., Selvaraj, P., Krishnakumar, S., Magesh, N.S., 2022. Assessment of ecosystem health status using benthic diversity as tools in coastal sediments off the South West Coast, India. Watershed Ecology and the Environment 4, 135-147 |
Rubalingeswari, N., Thulasimala, D., Giridharan, L., Gopal, V., Magesh, N.S., Jayaprakash, M., 2021. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in water, sediment, and tissues of major fisheries from Adyar estuary, southeast coast of India: An ecotoxicological impact of a metropolitan city. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 163, 111964. |
Botsa, S.M., Tara, D., Magesh, N.S., Tiwari, A.K., 2021. Characterization of black carbon aerosols over Indian Antarctic station, Maitri and identification of potential source areas. Environmental Science: Atmospheres 1 (6), 416-422. |
Vincent, S.G.T., Salahudeen, J.H., Godson, P.S., Abhijith, S.R., Nath, A.V., Krishnan, K.A., Magesh, N.S., Kumar, S.K., Moses, S.A., 2021. Environmental factors influencing methanogenic activity in two contrasting tropical lake sediments. Journal of Environmental Biology 42 (2), 211-219 |
Balakrishnan, S., Dev, S.A., Sakthi, A.R., Vikashini, B., Bhasker R.T., Magesh, N.S., Ramasamy, Y., 2021. Gene-ecological zonation and population genetic structure of Tectona grandis Lf in India revealed by genome-wide SSR markers. Tree Genetics & Genomes 17 (4), 1-14 |
Gopal, V., Krishnamurthy, R.R., Sreeshma, T., Chakraborty, P., Nathan, C.S., Kalaivanan, R., Anshu, R., Magesh, N.S., Jayaprakash, M., 2021. Effect of a tropical cyclone on the distribution of heavy metals in the marine sediments off Kameswaram, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112741 |
Vidyasakar, A., Krishnakumar, S., Kumar, K.S., Neelavannan, K., Anbalagan, S., Kasilingam, K., Srinivasalu, S., Saravanan, P., Kamaraj, S., Magesh, N.S., 2021. Microplastic contamination in edible sea salt from the largest salt-producing states of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112728 |
Vidyasakar, A., Krishnakumar, S., Kasilingam, K., Neelavannan, K., Bharathi, A.V., Godson, P.S., Prabha, K., Magesh N.S., 2020. Characterization and distribution of microplastics and plastic debris along Silver Beach, Southern India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 158, 111421 |
Krishnakumar, S., Vidyasakar, A., Anbalagan, S., Godson, P.S., Kasilingam, K., Parthasarathy, P., Pradhap, D., Saravanan, P., Hariharan, S., Rajkumar, A., Neelavannan, K., Magesh, N.S., 2020. Bioavailable trace metals and their ecological risks in the tourist beaches of the Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111562. |
Gandhi, S.K., Pradhap. D., Saravanan, P., Krishnakumar, S., Kasilingam, K., Patel, S.H., Prakash, P., Muthukumaran, S., Magesh, N.S., 2020. Metal concentration and its ecological risk assessment in the beach sediments of Coromandel Coast, Southern India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111565. |
Pradhap, D., Gandhi, S.K., Magesh, N.S., Peter S.T., Sadhu, C., Judith D Silva, Godson P.S., Krishnakumar, S., Saravanan, P., 2020. Trace element concentrations and their potential ecological risk in the reef sediments of coral islands, Vembar group of islands, Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 160, 111607 |
Gopal, V., Krishnamurthy, R.R., Sakthi Kiran, D.R., Magesh, N.S., Jayaprakash, M., 2020. Trace metal contamination in the marine sediments off Point Calimere, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 161, 111764. |
Nithya C. Nair., Srinivas, Y., Magesh, N.S., Kaliraj, S., 2019. Assessment of groundwater potential zones in Chittar basin, Southern India using GIS based AHP technique. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 15, 100248 |
Gopal, V., Krishnamurthy, R.R., Chakraborty, P., Magesh, N.S., Jayaprakash., M., 2019. Trace element contamination in marine sediments along the southeast Indian shelf following Cyclone Gaja. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149:110520 |
Selvakumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Kaliraj, S., Magesh, N.S., 2018. Salinization of shallow aquifer in the Karamaniyar river basin, Southern India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20, 1255-1273 |
Godson, P.S., Magesh, N.S., Peter, T.S., Chandrasekar, N., Krishnakumar, S., Vincent, S.G.T., 2018. A baseline study on the concentration of trace elements in the surface sediments off Southwest coast of Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 126, 381-388 |
Saravanan, P., Krishnakumar, S., Judith D. Silva, Pradhap, D., Vidyasakar, A., Radhakrishnan, K., Prince S. Godson, Arumugam, K., Magesh, N.S., 2018. Elemental concentration and potential ecological risk assessment of reef associated surface sediments of Appa Island, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 128, 398-407. |
Gopal, V., Nithya, B., Magesh, N.S., Jayaprakash, M., 2018. Seasonal variations and environmental risk assessment of trace elements in the sediments of Uppanar River estuary, southern India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 129, 347-356. |
Gopal, V., Shanmugasundaram, A., Nithya, B., Magesh, N.S., Jayaprakash, M., 2018. Water quality of the Uppanar river estuary, Southern India: implications on the level of dissolved nutrients and trace elements. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 130, 279-286.
Krishnakumar, S., Srinivasalu, S., Saravanan, P., Vidyasakar, A., Magesh, N.S., 2018. A preliminary study on coastal debris in Nallathanni Island, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131, 547-551 |
Saravanan, P., Krishnakumar, S., Pradhap, D., Judith D. Silva, Arumugam, K., Magesh, N.S., Srinivasalu, S., 2018. Elemental concentration based potential Ecological Risk status of the surface sediments, Pulicat lagoon, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 133, 107-116 |
Krishnakumar, S., Saravanan, P., Pradhap, D., Judith D. Silva, Vidyasakar, A., Merin Sackaria, Godson, P.S., Arumugam, K., Magesh, N.S., 2018. A baseline study on trace element based sediment pollution and potential ecological risk of reef sediments of Musal, Manoli and Manoli putti Islands, Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 133, 117-123 |
Kanagaraj, G., Suganthi, S., Elango, L., Magesh N.S., 2018. Assessment of groundwater potential zones in Vellore district, Southern India using geospatial techniques. Earth Science Informatics, 12 (2), 211-223 |
Vidyasakar, A., Neelavannan, K., Krishnakumar, S., Prabaharan, G., Sathiyabama Alias Priyanka, T., Magesh, N.S., Prince S. Godson, Srinivasalu, S., 2018. Macrodebris and microplastic distribution in the beaches of Rameswaram Coral Island, Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India: A first report. Marine Pollution Bulletin 137, 610-616.
Krishakumar, S., Ramasamy, S., Chandrasekar, N., Simon Peter, T., Gopal V., Prince S. Godson, Magesh, N.S., 2017. Trace elements concentrations in reef associated sediments of Koswari Island, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 117, 515-522 |
Simon Peter, T., Chandrasekar, N., John Wilson, J.S., Selvakumar, S., Krishnakumar, S., Magesh, N.S., 2017. A baseline record of trace elements concentration along the beach placer mining areas of Kanyakumari coast, South India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 119, 416-422. |
Krishnakumar, S., Ramasamy, S., Simon Peter, T., Prince S. Godson, Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2017. Geospatial risk assessment and trace element concentration in reef associated sediments, northern part of Gulf of Mannar biosphere reserve, Southeast Coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125, 522-529 |
Gopal, V., Krishakumar, S., Simon Peter, T., Nethaji, S., Suresh Kumar, K., Jayaprakash, M., Magesh, N.S., 2017. Assessment of trace element accumulation in surface sediments off Chennai coast after a major flood event. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114(2), 1063–1071.
Selvakumar, S., Ramkumar, G., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., Kaliraj, S., 2017. Groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and irrigational use in the Southern Tiruchirappalli district, Tamil Nadu, India. Applied Water Science, 7, 411-420 |
Krishakumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Simon Peter, T., Gopal, V., Magesh, N.S., 2016. Appraisal of metal contamination in soil around industrial areas of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Frontiers of Current Trends in Engineering and Technology, 1(2), 42-51 |
Krishakumar, S., Ramasamy, S., Chandrasekar, N., Simon Peter, T., Godson, P.S., Gopal, V., Magesh, N.S., 2016. Spatial risk assessment and trace element concentration in reef associated sediments of Van Island, southern part of the Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 115, 444-450 |
Kasilingam, K., Suresh Gandhi, M., Krishnakumar, S., Magesh N.S., 2016. Trace element concentration in surface sediments of Palk Strait, South East coast of Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 111, 500-508 |
Bheeroo, R.A., Chandrasekar, N., Kaliraj, S., Magesh, N.S., 2016. Shoreline change rate and erosion risk assessment along the Trou Aux Biches - Mont Choisy beach on the North West Coast of Mauritius using GIS - DSAS Technique. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 444. |
Selvam, S., Dar, F.A., Magesh, N.S., Singaraja, C., Venkatramanan, S., Chung, S.Y., 2016. Application of remote sensing and GIS for delineating groundwater recharge potential zones of Kovilpatti Municipality, Tamil Nadu using IF technique. Earth Science Informatics, 9, 137-150 |
Krishnakumar, S., Ramasamy, S., Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Simon Peter, T., 2015. Metal concentrations in the growth bands of Porites sp.: A baseline record on the history of marine pollution in the Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 101, 409-416. |
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2015. Evaluation of multiple environmental factors for site-specific groundwater recharge structures in the Vaigai River upper basin, Tamil Nadu, India using GIS based Weighted Overlay Analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 4355-4380 |
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2015. Morphometric analysis of the River Thamirabarani sub-basin in Kanyakumari district, South west coast of Tamil Nadu, India using Remote sensing and GIS. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73, 7375-7401 |
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Selvakumar, S., Peter, T.S., Magesh, N.S., 2015. Mapping of coastal aquifer vulnerable zone in the South West coast of Kanyakumari, South India using GIS-based DRASTIC model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187, 4073 |
Selvam, S., Magesh, N.S., Chidambaram, S., Rajamanickam, M., Sashikkumar, M.C., 2015. A GIS based identification of groundwater recharge potential zones using RS and IF technique: a case study in Ottapidaram taluk, Tuticorin district, Tamil Nadu. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73, 3785-3799. |
Krishnakumar, S., Logeshkumaran, A., Magesh, N. S., Godson, P.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2015. Hydro-geochemistry and application of water quality index (WQI) for groundwater quality assessment, Anna Nagar, part of Chennai City, Tamil Nadu, India. Applied Water Science, 5(4), 335–343.
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2015. Evaluation of coastal erosion and accretion processes along the south-west coast of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, using geospatial techniques. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8, 239-253 |
Selvam, S., Magesh, N.S., Manimaran, D., Soundranayagam, J.P., Sivasubramaniam, P., 2014. Deciphering of Groundwater Potential Zones in Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 84, 597-608. |
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2014. Multispectral image analysis of suspended sediment concentration along the Southern coast of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 1(1), 63-71. |
Abin, A., Sibin, R., Aghil, T.B., Magesh, N.S., Sridhar, S.G.D. 2014. Statistical evaluation of groundwater geochemistry: a case study between Chinnakuppam and Kulathur, South Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 1(1), 58-62.
Selvakumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Srinivas, Y., Peter, T.S, Magesh, N.S., 2014. Evaluation of the groundwater quality along coastal stretch between Vembar and Taruvaikulam, Tamil Nadu, India: a statistical approach. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 1(1), 22-26 |
Peter, T.S., Chandrasekar, N., Selvakumar, S., Kaliraj, S., Magesh, N.S., Srinivas, Y., 2014. Tidal effects on estuarine water quality through a sandy marine beach: a case study in Vembar estuary, southeast coast of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 1(1), 6-14. |
Krishna Kumar, S., Bharani, R., Magesh, N.S., Godson, P.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2014. Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality appraisal of part of south Chennai coastal aquifers, Tamil Nadu, India using WQI and fuzzy logic method. Applied Water Science, 4, 341-350 |
Chandrasekar, N., Selvakumar, S., Srinivas, Y., Wilson, J.S.J, Peter, T.S., Magesh, N.S., 2014. Hydrogeochemical assessment of groundwater quality along the coastal aquifers of southern Tamil Nadu, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 4739-4750 |
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2014. Impacts of Wave energy and Littoral currents on Shoreline erosion/accretion along the South-West Coast of Kanyakumari, Tamil nadu using DSAS and Geospatial Technology. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 4523-4542 |
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2014. Identification of potential Groundwater recharge zones in Vaigai upper basin, Tamilnadu, using GIS based Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) technique. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 7, 1385-1401 |
Selvakumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2012. Preliminary Investigation of Groundwater Quality along the Coastal Aquifers of Southern Tamil Nadu Using GIS Techniques, Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, 2, 46-52 |
Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2012. Stochastic Modelling of Spatial and Temporal Changes in Rainfall Pattern along the South West Coast of Tamilnadu, India. Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, 2, 16-19 |
Wilson, J.S.J., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2012. Morphometric Analysis of Major Sub-Watersheds in Aiyar and Karai Pottanar Basin, Central Tamil Nadu, India Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, 2, 8-15 |
Krishna Kumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Seralathan, P., Godson, P.S., Magesh, N.S., 2012. Hydrogeochemical study of shallow carbonate aquifers, Rameswaram Island, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184, 4127-4138 |
Krishna Kumar, S., Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2012. Trace Element Concentration in Groundwater, Tuticorin City, Tamil Nadu, India. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 88, 876-879 |
Sathish M Botsa, Magesh Sivan, Mamta Mestry, Soniya Dessai, Anoop Tiwari (2019). Assessment of water and air quality at Maitri station, Schirmacher hills. National Conference on Polar Sciences (NCPS-2019) held on 20-22 August, 2019 organized by National C |
Magesh, N.S., Elango, L., 2018. Spatio-temporal analysis of rainfall characteristics for a period of 34 years (1980-2013) in Tamiraparani river basin, Southern India. National seminar on Recent Trends in Geosciences (RTG 2018) held on 15-16 February, 2 |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Elango, L., 2017. Hydrogeomorphology of the Tamiraparani river basin: implications on the management of groundwater resources under changing climatic conditions. 9th International Conference on Geomorphology, organized b |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Elango, L., 2017. Trace elements in the groundwater of a tropical river basin, South India: implications on human exposure risk through oral and dermal pathways. 3rd International conference on environment and ecology (I |
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., Elango, L., 2016. Distribution of Fluoride in the groundwater of a tropical river basin, South India, International Conference on Environmental Sustainability for Food Security (ENFOSE -2016) held on 22-24 September 2016 |
Selvakumar, S., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., Srinivas, Y., Divya, C., 2016. Geospatial and geostatistical techniques to evaluate groundwater salinity and its sources in the coastal aquifer of Southern Tamil Nadu, India. International Conference on E |
N.S. Magesh, Sathish Mohan Botsa, Tara Da Lima Leitao, Anoop Tiwari (2022). Hydrogeochemistry of the deglaciated lacustrine Systems in the Schirmacher Hills, East Antarctica. International Conference on Water and Environmental Management (WEM, 2022) he |
Rahul Kumar, Magesh N.S, Vivek Kumar, Kirti Ranjan Das, Ariz Ahmad, Vikas Singh, Partha Sarathi Majhi, Anand K. Singh, Yogesh Ray, Ravi Mishra, Shailendra Saini (2023). Performance monitoring of Waste water system at Bharati Research Base, East Antarct |
Rahul Kumar, Magesh N.S, Vivek Kumar, Kirti Ranjan Das, Ariz Ahmad, Vikas Singh, Partha Sarathi Majhi, Anand K. Singh, Yogesh Ray, Ravi Mishra, Shailendra Saini (2023). Performance monitoring of Waste water system at Bharati Research Base, East Antarct |
Simon Peter, T., Chandrasekar, N., Magesh, N.S., 2017. Tidal effects on estuarine water quality: a case study in Vembar estuary, Southeast coast of Tamil Nadu, India. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Bahnhofstraβe 28, 66111 Saarbrücken, Deutschland / Germany ISBN: 978-3-330-05240-6
Magesh, N.S., Chandrasekar, N., 2016. Landuse and Water Quality: a case study in the upper catchments of Tamiraparani river basin. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Bahnhofstraβe 28, 66111 Saarbrücken, Deutschland / Germany ISBN: 978-3-330-00146-6.
Magesh Sivan, 2016. Comparative analysis of Panchagavya and Power Flower: Nitrobenzene 20%, a case study on the yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Bahnhofstraβe 28, 66111 Saarbrücken, Deutschland / Germany ISBN: 978-3-659-96425-1
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