
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) is a Research and Development (R&D) institution in the water sector established as an autonomous research organisation by the Government of Kerala, under its Science and Technology Policy in February 1978 to cater the R&D needs in the field of Water Management. The Centre was amalgamated with the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) in its Silver Jubilee Year-2003.

Institute functions as a Centre of Excellence for advanced research, training and consultancy in all spheres of Water Resources. It acts as an advisory and functional institution in planning and execution of National and State level projects. The institute provide service in the fields of Drainage basin/ watershed studies, Integrated river basin management, Surface water & groundwater potential estimation, Urban & forest hydrology, Water quality management, Water supply and sanitation, Crop water management, Environmental impact assessment, Estuarine and coastal dynamics, Irrigation and drainage, Isotope hydrology, Remote sensing applications, Sedimentation studies, Action research and transfer of technology, Systems studies and mathematical modelling, Data management systems, Systematic and operational hydrology, Water treatment/ recycling, Wetland studies, Soil Erosion and Soil & Water Conservation. Please refer to for full details about the organization.

Citizens Charter of CWRDM is public document released for the citizens to provide information of the activities of the organisation and how to access them. This covers the internal and external services provided, service specifications, contact authorities in the event of any grievance.


Citizens mentioned here refer to clients, commercial operators, contractors, consultants, outsiders’ employees, service providers, who are using CWRDM services and general public who are necessarily connected with our business activities.

Our vision 

CWRDM shall be a Centre of Excellence catering to the R&D demands in all spheres of Water Management.


To enhance the quality of life by ensuring water security for all by providing necessary Research and Development inputs, with special emphasis on the humid tropics.

Description of services provided

     A. Primary
Research projects on hydrology, watershed development, wetland management, water quality management, water related environmental issues, irrigation and drainage issues, water management for agriculture, forest and urban hydrology, estuarine management, groundwater development, water quality management, water related environmental issues, irrigation and drainage issues. The scientific output from study will be published as reports or articles which will be available to public.
Consulting services on the above themes: We conduct the research investigations on specific problems which is mentioned above as per requirement of the clients.

Training for line departments:

CWRDM is best known for its in course designed for Water Resource Management and Training Projects (WRMTP) targeted towards broad audience. This include training of the officials of the Irrigation, Agriculture, Health, Water Authority, Sanitation and other user departments/agencies on water resources management. Induction courses and in-service courses are conducted for the officials. This can be a paid service or non -paid service as per the fund allotted / availability.

Training for farmers:

We conduct training on soil and water conservation measures, irrigation measures, drip irrigation and fertigation, farmer-oriented field studies, Distribution of Soil health cards (nutrient status) and nutrient recommendation for specific crops to the farmers, Demonstration plot of different soil and water conservation practices as water saving technologies in farmer’s field, Awareness creation on using domestic waste water management for vegetable production through field level demonstrations.

Awareness creation programme:

CWRDM scientific staffs delivers awareness lectures to public on different aspects environmental concerns on request. The Environment Educational Events, Swachh – Abhiyan for India programs, Thematic programme for special days such as Environment Day, Water week, Earth Day, Science Day are organized by CWRDM with participation of all realms of citizen from students to NGOs. KSCSTE, which is ENVIS hub of Kerala always entrust the awareness programmes to CWRDM with funding/ without funding.

CWRDM publishes manuals, handbooks and video films to create awareness on water conservation and management, irrigation management, water quality etc., for children, farmers and the general public.

A water heritage museum is established to create awareness to public about indigenous, traditional and modern systems of water.

Collaboration with local government:

The CWRDM brand is considered to be the final and authentic in case of any scientific analysis/assessment with respect to water and other natural resources. The Centre has conducted hundreds of consultancy projects and investigations for the benefit of the government agencies, Local self-government institutions. The tools and technologies developed by the Centre is widely used by the developmental departments for their land and water management interventions/projects, water quality monitoring, wetland conservation services, ecological services, waste water management and filtration and river and coastal management works. We collaborate with LSGDs and District administration during handling / management of disasters scientifically and in terms of human resources. Eg: Activities during flood in recent years.

We conduct these activities mostly as consultancy projects.

Policy formulations for governments:

CWRDM act as an advisory and functional institution in planning and development of national and state level policies. Since, the CWRDM brand is considered to be the final and authentic in case of any scientific analysis/assessment with respect to water and other natural resources of State. Our scientific staff are member of different policy development board such as policy document on Irrigation plan for 5year Plan, Govt. of Kerala, National Geospatial Policy, State Action Plan on Climate Change etc. So far, our major contribution

includes formulation of the first Water Policy of Kerala in 1992, which was subsequently revised in 2008, Water Atlas of Kerala in 1995, and the Water Atlas of Lakshadweep Islands in 2006 etc.

Water quality testing for public:

We provide service of water quality analysis to public through National Board for Accreditation of Testing Calibration Laboratories (NABL) for chemical characterization of drinking water parameters (14 parameters) as per ISO 17025:2017. We recommend possible solution to avoid water quality deterioration as per the analytical result from our laboratory.

Mobile water laboratory

It is being used to field measurement of water quality parameters for quality assurance of drinking Water sources, raise awareness within communities while carrying out their routine testing.

Water quality surveys:

We do the water quality surveys in consultancy mode for public.

Water body / Hydrological surveys:

We do the water quality surveys in consultancy mode for public.

     B. Secondary

Library access:

CWRDM has a good collection of publications on water resources and allied areas. It includes around 11400 books, 60 current periodicals, 4200 back volumes and 3400 reprints and CWRDM publications and reports. It provides lending, reference, bibliographic news clipping and photocopying services. Reference and photocopying services are extended to outsiders including trainees, researchers and students from other institutions. CWRDM library has been using KOHA, an integrated Library Management Software, and we can search the library online catalogue by Author, Title, Subject and keywords. Library is having a committee for getting advice and suggestions for improving activities of the library.

Information security:

Well developed Information Management System Facility with Local Area Network & Internet Administration, 110 Mbps Leased line firewall protected Internet connectivity, 20 Mbps Leased line firewall protected KSWAN connectivity, Biometric Attendance System, Official Mail System, Identity Card Registration System, Online Project Management.

System for all staff of CWRDM:

CWRDM follows e-governance system with cent percentage file transactions through electronic office software. This ensures better transparency, speed, efficiency and effective tracking facility.

Safety equipment / training: We very strictly follows and confirms occupational health and safety
Personal protective equipment
Safety and security:

We ensure that all staffs have a basic understanding of safety and security protocols on data, laboratory processes.

Infrastructure maintenance:

Infrastructure maintenance and confirmation is routinely carried out by our Construction and Maintenance wing of CWRDM. 

Canteen: A departmental canteen functions in the Campus, which provides food to the staff members. It can cater food to approximately 200 persons at a time. The boarding facilities are available to the visitors.
Guest house: CWRDM has a well maintained and fully furnished Guest house namely JAL NIVAS located at our main Campus. Also, a well-furnished 12 room hostel facility with attached bathroom for Trainees and other guests are available. Bachelor’s hostel of three storey building (484 m2) with accommodation facilities for 24 personnel is also available and presently it is dedicated for girl students.
 Support to other government offices (NATPAC)

Review: The Institute intends to review the Citizen’s Charter periodically. (For details visit our website)



Service description

Process Success indicators Specification
Response to queries (Funding agencies / clients / government / public)   Time taken for closure of the queries 24 hours
Response for service request (Funding agencies / clients / government / public)     24 hours
Release of test results     14 working days

Water testing


Time taken for providing

guidance/ information after

receipt of the request


Release of research outputs




Research project

Consultancy project


  • Achievement of objectives
  • Publications
  • Reports
  • Time taken
As per the funding agency sanctioned timeline
Resource requirements   Equipment: Scientists, Administration  
    Chemicals: Scientists, Administration  
 Floating of tenders      Administration
 Infrastructure maintenance    Electrical  Taken care by Construction and Maintenance Wing
     Civil Taken care by Construction and Maintenance Wing

Availability of information

Information can be obtained from our officers listed below:

Information related to

Name of officer & Designation E-mail

Hydrology & Climatology (HCRG):

For information on Catchment Hydrology, Forest Hydrology, River Mechanics, Flood Forecasting, Water Harvesting, Rainfall/Runoff Modelling, Groundwater Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Global and Regional Climate Studies, Groundwater Modelling and its sub-areas viz., Wetland

Dr. C P Priju

Senior Scientist & Head i/c, Hydrology & Climatology Research Group

Ecology & Environment (EERG):

Conservation of water quality, water and waste water treatment, Water Quality Monitoring and Management, Environment Impact Assessment, Wetland Studies.

Water Analysis / testing

Dr. Resmi T R 

Senior Scientist & Head i/c, Ecology & Environmental Research Group

Land and Water Management (LWRG):

Land and Water resources issues in a wide range of ecosystems, including: agricultural lands, forested lands, urban lands, wetlands, and shallow lakes and estuaries, improving the agricultural productivity, enhancing the water use efficiency, ecosystem productivity, carbon sequestration, soil health management, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change, environmental services and food security.

Dr. Arun P R

Senior Scientist & Head i/c, Land & Water Management Research Group

Training and Outreach (TORG):

  • Training and extension activities of Institute
  • Research activities on watershed management, soil and water conservation measures, evaluation of watershed development projects, performance evaluation of irrigation projects, drip irrigation and fertigation, farmer-oriented field studies, action research, adaptive trials and advanced library studies.
  • Regarding Lecture halls
  • Public visits to CWRDM.
  • Exhibitions, Seminars

Er. Vivek B

Scientist & Head i/c, Training & Outreach Research Group

Administration and Finances:

  • Recruitment
  • Payment
  • Contracts
  • RFQ

Sri. Mahadev M G

Registrar, Administration and Finances Supporting Facility

Subcentres activities:


Dr. Celine George

Senior Principal Scientist & Head, Manimalakunnu Subcentre, ernakulam

Construction and Maintenance Facility:

  • Guest House & Hostel
  • Canteen

Er. Ihjas K

Scientist B, Ecology & Environment Research Group

Central Instrumentation Facility

Dr. Resmi T R

Senior Scientist & Head i/c, Ecology & Environmental Research Group

Isotope facility


Dr. Resmi T R

Senior Scientist & Head i/c, Ecology & Environmental Research Group

Information System Facility 


Dr. K.Ch.V Naga Kumar

Scientist, Land & Water Management Research Group

Water Resources Museum

Dr. Sarathjith M C

Scientist B, Training & Outreach Research Group
Library and Documentation Facilities

Books, reports, publications, Newsletters

Dr. Nithiya. S

Scientist B, Library & Documentation Facility, Training & Outreach Research Group
 Guest House & Hostel

 Sri. Mahadev M G


General Queries

 CWRDM   (91) 495 2351800, 2351801


How to give us feed back

We welcome feedback from our customers and all other stakeholders to improve our services, 

please contact CWRDM 

office Phone: (91) 495 2351 800,2351 801 



Complaints & Grievances:

If you have any complaints to make with respect to the delivery of the above standards, complaints can be addressed to,

Executive Director,

KSCSTE – Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM)

Kunnamanaglam (PO), Kozhikode - 673571, Kerala, India. Phone: (91) 495 2351 800,2351 801, 2351 803, 2351 804 Fax: (91) 495 2351 808 Email :

Grievances will be acknowledged within 24 hours of the receipt. Efforts will be made to redress the grievance within a period as mentioned above. If the remedial action is not taken within the stipulated period, an interim reply will be sent.


Right to Information

According to Right to Information Act,

  Name of the Officer Designation Contact Number E-mail
Public Information Officer Smt. Zeenath. N K

Assistant Registrar Gr. 1, Administration & Finance, CWRDM, Kunnamangalam Post, Kozhikode - 673571, Kerala.

Assistant Public Information Officer Sri. C. Dinil Antony Section Officer Gr. 1, Administration and Finance, CWRDM, Kunnamangalam Post, Kozhikode - 673571, Kerala. 0495 2351805

Appellate Authority


Dr. Manoj P. Samuel


Executive Director, CWRDM, Kunnamangalam Post, Kozhikode - 673571, Kerala.

 0495 2351 802

 For more information:  


Complaints Committee for redressal of sexual harassment (Women Cell) 

A Committee is constituted for the purpose of enquiry into the compliant regarding the sexual harassment as mentioned in section 12 of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act, 2013. 

The committee has been reconstituted and the committee members are:

  • Dr. Resmi T R, Senior Scientist & Head i/c, Ecology & Environmental Research Group- Presiding Officer
  • Dr. Manjula P, Scientist B & TPA to ED, Ecology & Environmental Research Group - Member
  • Smt. Neema Shahul, Section Officer, Grade II, Administration & Finance Wing – Member
  • Shri. Chandran Kolappadan, Technical Assistant Grade V, Hydrology & Climatology Research Group – Member
  • Dr. Reena Anilkumar, CEO, Ram Biologicals, Calicut and Member, Management Committee, Calicut Management Association