Urban Flood Studies for Kochi and Kozhikode cities in Kerala
Comprehensive Flood Mitigation & Hydrological Study for Technopark
Urban Flood Management plan for selected areas in Kozhikode Corporation
Framework for Environmental Flow Computation for Rivers in Kerala
Urban Flood studies for Kochi and kozhikode cities in Kerala
Kerala Flood 2018: Causes, impact and solution in selected river basins
Stormwater Management Plan for Chalakudy Municipality
Post-facto evaluation study of irrigation projects implemented in Kerala state (IDRB, Department of Water Resources, Govt. of Kerala,
Quantification of Uncertainties in the SWAT model for better prediction of the stream flow discharge in selected river basins in Kerala
Integrated Management of Surface Water and Groundwater in the Changing Climatic Scenario to Mitigate Water Scarcity in Valapattanam River Basin
Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed project of Interlinking of Bharathapuzha and Biyyam Kayal (Water Resource Department, Government of Kerala,
Investigations on the Hydrological Impact of the Extension of Kochi Metro
Mitigation Measures for Abating Floods in Upper Kuttanad
Assessment of Water Stress of Bharathapuzha riverbasin
Study on hydrological characteristics of all river basins of Kerala
EIA study of proposed project of interlinking of Bharathappuzha and Biyyam Kayal
Feasibility study of proposed project of interlinking of Bharathappuzha and Biyyam Kayal
Baseline studies of estimation of Water Use Efficiency of 5 Irrigation Projects in Kerala
Regional Flood Frequency studies for rivers in Kerala
Application of an Integrated Surface Water – Ground Water Model in the Valapatanam River Basin.
Feasibility report of waterbody development at Paropadi, Kozhikode
Details |
T.K. Drissia, T. P. Anjali (2022). Influential factors of water scarcity in Bharathapuzha basin,India, Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, Vol.10 (2), pp. 129-143. |
T.K. Drissia, V. Jothiprakash, and B. Sivakumar (2022). Regional flood frequency analysis using complex networks. Stochastic Environmental Research Risk Assessment, Vol.36, pp.115–135. |
V. Jothiprakash, T.K. Drissia, & A.B. Anitha (2021). Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Using Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm for West-Flowing Rivers in Kerala, India. J. Inst. Eng.India Ser. A 102, pp. 805–813. |
Drissia T K, 2019, Spatial and Temporal Variation of Water Stress in Bharathapuzha River Basin, Kerala, India, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, vol. 100, no. 1, pp 167–175. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-018-0336-1 |
Drissia, T.K., Jothiprakash, V. & Anitha, A.B. (2019) Flood Frequency Analysis Using L Moments: a Comparison between At-Site and Regional Approach, Water Resour Manage, Vol.33 (3): pp 1013-1037. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-018-2162-7 |
Drissia, T.K., Jothiprakash, V. & Anitha, A.B. (2019) Statistical classification of streamflow based on flow variability in west flowing rivers of Kerala, India, Theor Appl Climatol., 137, pp 1643-1658. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2677-0 |
Aparna P, Nigee K, Shimna P and Drissia T K (2015), Quantitative Analysis of Geomorphology and Flow pattern Analysis of Muvattupuzha riverbasin using Geographic Informaion System, Aquatic Procedia, Issue on International Conference on Water Resources Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ICWRCOE 2015), Vol. 4: pp 609 – 616. |
Ananya Sarkar and T K Drissia (2024) Modeling and simulation of reservoir operation using HEC-ReSim for Pamba River Basin in Kerala, Abstract Volume, 3rd Roorkee Water Conclave 2024 (RWC), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 3-6 March 2024 |
Gunaseelan Krishnan, T K Drissia (2024) Long-term Variations in climatic parameters for Kerala, Abstract Volume, 3rd Roorkee Water Conclave 2024 (RWC), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 3-6 March 2024 |
Ansa Thasneem S & T K Drissia (2023) Assessment of Environmental Flow Requirements of the Meenachil River, Kerala, Book of Abstracts, 28th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, HYDRO-2023 International, India |
Yin Yin Htwe, T K Drissia and V. Jothiprakash (2023) L-moments Method for Flood Frequency Analysis of Stations in Myanmar and India, Book of Abstracts, 28th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, HYDRO-2023 Intern |
T K Drissia (2023) Sustainable water resources management to mitigate the impact of extreme events, International conference Regional cooperation within BRICS: sustainable nature management – environment, education, tourism, Proceedings of the Internation |
T K Drissia, Fida E., Megha P., Aditya B., Asika Sidhana, Avani S Babu (2022) Impact of climate and landuse change on streamflow of Kuttiyadi river basin, Kerala, Abstract Volume of International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engin |
T.K. Drissia, Megha P Saji, K.C. Ramnas (2022) Climate change impact on hydrology of Chalakudy River basin, Abstract Volume, International Conference on Water and Environment WEM-2022, Center for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kera |
Parvanendhu, T K Drissia (2022) Impact of dam on streamflow in Chaliyar River basin, Abstract Volume, International Conference on Water and Environment WEM-2022, Center for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala 22-24 June. |
Aravind Mittapally, T.K. Drissia, Swati Bhave (2022) Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology in Thamiraparni River Basin, 2nd Roorkee Water Conclave - 2022 Water Security for Sustainable Development, Indian Institute of Roorkee, Utharajkand, 2-4 March 2022. |
Mandala Haritha Chowdary, T.K. Drissia, A. B. Mirajkar (2022) Modelling of Existing Stormwater Drainage system of Kozhikode city, 2nd Roorkee Water Conclave - 2022 Water Security for Sustainable Development, Indian Institute of Roorkee, Utharakand, 2-4 Ma |
H.B. Shruthi, T.K. Drissia and A Vasudeo (2021) Unsteady flood modelling using HEC-RAS: Chaliyar river basin, Kerala, 26th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2021 INTERNATIONAL) at SVNIT Surat, Gujarat, |
T K Drissia, Saji Simon, Renji Xavier, Smriti Simon, Vivek Devadas and A B Anitha (2021) Water use efficiency study of Peechi Irrigation Project, Kerala, "International Virtual Conference on Innovative Trends in Hydrological and Environmental Systems |
Megha P, Ramnas K C, T K Drissia, A D Ghare (2021) Landuse/Landcover change detection for the statistical evaluation of streamflow variations on Chalakudy River Basin, Kerala, "International Virtual Conference on Innovative Trends in Hydrological and |
K.C. Ramnas, T.K. Drissia, A. Anaz, Nikhil, K. Ch. V. Nagkumar, V. P. Dinesan (2021) Landuse/land cover change impact assessment on stream flow over Vamanapuram river basin, Kerala, 25th International Conference on Hydraulics (HYDRO 2020), Water Resources |
Anju B, T K Drissia, Noushaja P T (2021) A comparison between flood models developed using topographical details from field survey and SRTM DEM using MIKE HYDRO River, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal |
B. Anju, T K Drissia and P T, Nowshaja (2021) Flood Modelling of Pamba River Using MIKE FLOOD (December 24, 2020). Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Energy & Environment (ICSEE) 2021,Government College of Engineering Kannur. Avai |
T K Drissia, Simon S., Xavier R., Simon S., Devdas V., and Anitha A B (2021) Performance Evaluation of Malampuzha Irrigation Project, Kerala, 25th International Conference on Hydraulics (HYDRO 2020), Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, National Insti |
B Anju, T.K. Drissia, P.T. Noushaja (2020) One dimensional hydrodynamic modelling of Pamba River for identifying the flood vulnerability, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. Vol. 1114 012023, 6th Biennial International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engine |
T K Drissia (2020). 1D flood model to retrace the July 2018 flood in lower reaches of Pampa River, Kerala, CV/114/35 e proceedings 35th India Engineering Congress, 18-20 December. |
Saji Simon, Renji Xavier, Drissia T K, A B Anitha (2020) A Study on Conveyance Efficiency of Kuttiyadi Irrigation Project. T05/03, Abstract volume of 3rd Indian National Conference on Groundwater Conference 2020, CWRDM, Kozhikode. 18-21 Feb. pp 171. |
Shruthi, H.B., T K Drissia, Vasudeo, A. (2024). Unsteady Flood Modelling Using HEC-RAS: Chaliyar River Basin, Kerala. In: Timbadiya, P.V., Patel, P.L., Singh, V.P., Manekar,V.L. (eds)Flood Forecasting and Hydraulic Structures. HYDRO 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,vol 340. pp 53-69. Springer, Singapore.
T K Drissia, Jothiprakash, V. & Anitha, A.B (2021) Regionalisation of Watersheds Using Fuzzy C Means Clustering Algorithm in the West Flowing River of Kerala. In: Jha R., Singh V.P.,Singh V., Roy L., Thendiyath R. (eds) Water Resources Management and Reservoir Operation.Water Science and Technology Library, vol 107. pp51-63 Springer, Cham.
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